Bridges Provision

‘Bridges’ a specialist, integration programme creating a pathway 
back into education

Bridges Overview


For an overview of the Bridges curriculum offer, please view our Curriculum Overview Document

Bridges Programme

Our students present with a range of SEN with all having a diagnosis of ASD and SCID as well as presenting with more complex issues such as ADHD, sensory needs, trauma and extreme anxiety that has seen them disconnect with education and learning and lose trust in working with other adults' professional people and even leaving their homes.

It is because of this that we seek to provide a provision that is both bespoke and broad and that supports the needs and aspirations of our students and allows them to develop a sound body of knowledge and skills. We aspire to provide them with the skills and tools to be independent, safe, risk aware and achieve the goals that they and we aspire to for them and to be able to overcome the barriers they face and be part of their community.

Our bespoke and unique programme is designed as a supportive reintegration and engagement programme that meets the statutory requirements of a broad and balanced curriculum. Students are offered full time provision through a range of medium including therapeutic intervention, core learning and foundation topics which are delivered onsite, offsite and via remote learning. Given the unique needs of our students we understand the need for flexible work and support to ensure that we maintain engagement in their bespoke programme and continue to transition to the next steps in their journey.

Our Aims

Our key focus is centered around the 4 Rs

Reengage – student that are or have been totally disconnected from learning and education.

Rebuild – relationships and trust to enable our students to work with others and adults to access a meaningful programme.

Reignite – a passion for learning and their curiosity to engage and explore the world around them.

Reintegrate – into a school environment or support transition to integrate into alternative provisions that will support the next steps in their lives.

We create a bespoke provision based on the needs from the EHCP, information from parents and students, baseline testing and external agencies.

At Bridges we aspire to link as closely as we can to the whole school intent. Our implementation is unique to our students and aspires to the same curriculum aims as the whole of Churchward School. This is delivered through a range of strategies and packages that are designed to meet the unique needs of our students and facilitate their engagement in learning. These include Thrive programmes, Onsite and online Core learning (with the offer of science where students are interested there is the opportunity to join the main site), the world around us and British values.

The key focus of our programme is to follow the 4 Rs and make sure that the high needs of students who attend Bridges are ready for the next steps in their journey, whatever they may be.

Our implementation is unique to our students. Each student has a colour coded, bespoke timetable that identifies subject provision and place of learning.

Our curriculum is centered around core elements of PSHCE (including RSE, personal beliefs, keeping safe, online safety and taking care of oneself) Maths and English which are delivered through a range of activities and experiences from traditional book work to broader opportunities that link closely with the foundation elements of our curriculum Getting active, The world around us and our Community, Thrive (social and emotional wellbeing programme) and a personal module, which enables our students to delve further into topics that interest them and develop skills that will be required at the next stage of their journey including curiosity, researching and talking about). These are designed to enhance the experience of the students, to support their social and emotional development, to develop their confidence, to gain a better sense of themselves and increase their self-identity. All of this enables our students to aspire to next steps and work towards a transition for the next steps in their lives whatever that may be which in turn gives them value, purpose, motivation and a feeling of belonging in the complex world around them and prepares them to be ready for the next phase in their journey.

The curriculum is implemented alongside a range of therapeutic interventions that support the needs of the students.

Moving forwards, we are looking to widen the opportunities for students to meet their individual needs through even more bespoke programmes that will support them in meeting their EHCP and academic goals.

Elements of our curriculum naturally intertwine and overlap to allow students to cover multiple topics and ensure that the statutory requirements of PSHCE (including online safety and RSE), British Values and careers are covered in a bespoke and personalised provision.

All programmes are built in consultation with students, parents and professionals and are based around the interests of the student to facilitate the process of transition to be more successful.


For more information, please contact the Bridges Lead, Thomas Chalmers, on 01793 209198 or view the Churchward School Curriculum Policy